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Just right for Holiday Baking….

Blind bake your pie crust! No this doesn’t mean you close your eyes while making a pie! Blind bake (or bake blind) is a term used in baking for par baking your pie or tart crust so that a slight crust forms on your dough so that when you do add the filling – your pie or tart bottom is not soggy – and who wants a soggy bottom anyway??!! I use this method all the time for pot pie fillings and creamy pie fillings that have to return the pie back to the oven after for further baking. And also if you have a pie or tart that doesn’t required baking at all but of course you want the crust baked thoroughly then add filling and chill.

The dough is usually pricked all over with a fork to prevent from blistering and rising while it bakes. You can use parchment paper or foil to line your pie or tart and then fill with pie weights and if you don’t have those, use dried beans or uncooked rice (if you used cooked beans or rice, a whole new set of problems for you). Remove the paper or foil a few minutes before baking time is done to allow the crust to brown if not continuing to bake the pie with filling.  Bake away!blind bake