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All About Paprika: Sweet vs. Hot vs. Smoked


Paprika is one of the most widely used spices around the world. A dried powder made from bell peppers or chili peppers, it is commonly used in Hungarian, African, and Spanish cuisines for its color and flavor and has made its way west as a staple, everyday ingredient. So, what’s the difference between regular, Hungarian, sweet, hot, Spanish, and smoked paprika? Here’s the answer:

  • “Regular” paprika is the most commonly found and is a blend of sweet and hot varieties and has a relatively neutral flavor. It’s great for adding color to your dishes or as a garnish.
  • Sweet paprika (commonly labeled as Hungarian sweet paprika) has a rich, fruity flavor like a red bell pepper with no heat. It’s great as an all-around paprika and more interesting than the regular stuff.
  • Hot paprika is made from dried chili peppers and will be more similar to cayenne, but less spicy.
  • Spanish smoked paprika (sometimes labeled as Pimenton de la Vera) is made from dried chilis that are smoked over oak giving the spice a woodsy, smokey flavor that is great for stews and roast meats. It can be sweet or hot.

The most important thing when choosing paprika is to think about how you’re going to use it in a recipe and the flavor you want to create. Just need a punch of color? Use regular or sweet. Want a little spice? Grab the hot stuff. Going for an earthy flavor? Try smoked paprika. If you have several on hand, blend them together to achieve just the right mix.

Thanks to Noshonit!