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Panzanella Salad!

This bright gorgTraditional Healthy Panzanella Saladeous dish is an Italian bread salad made with onions, tomatoes, basil, olive oil, vinegar and seasoning and chunks of bread. Some versions may include cucumbers, anchovies and /or peppers. Try it with toasted bread chunks with a little garlic or by sautéing bread chunks in a little olive oil to add that crunch to the salad. The 16th Century artist and poet Bronzino sings the praises of onions with oil and vinegar served with toast then sings the praises of a salad with onions and cucumbers. This is often interpreted as the description of panzanella. Pan meaning bread in many languages. Great way to use up those leftover tomatoes and baguette of bread. A glass of red wine and dinner is complete!